Friday, November 8, 2024

Parable of the unfaithful manager: the Christian must be bold

Parable of the unfaithful manager: the Christian must be bold
Lluís Raventós
Friday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel text
Lk 16:1-8
"And the master commended that dishonest steward for acting prudently."
Gospel's Commentary
Today the Master leaves us baffled ... It seems that He approves of the "culture of a stroke of luck": favors and more favors among unsupportive Mafiosi who only think of their own benefit, without caring about the high cost of the many who suffer. But it is not that! It is not a matter of making us "friends of money", but of putting our professional prestige at the service of others. Christians have no vocation of "dumb fools". At work, socially, in sports... God demands that we desire excellence. If not, how would we stir others' hearts? - St. Paul asserted the prestige and rights of his "Roman citizenship". So, am I going to go as a "yokel" through life? Mind you, there is no place in Heaven for "silly little goodies"!

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