Monday, July 25, 2022

The first apostle martyred and brother of John the Evangelist

The first apostle martyred and brother of John the Evangelist
July 25th: Feast of Saint James, Apostle
Gospel text
Mt 20:20-28
The mother of the sons of Zebedee approached Jesus with her sons and did him homage, wishing to ask him for something. He said to her, “What do you wish?” She answered him, “Command that these two sons of mine sit, one at your right and the other at your left, in your Kingdom.” Jesus said in reply, “You do not know what you are asking."
Gospel's Commentary
Today we see what a mother is capable of doing for her children. And today we can also see what a Father — who is God — can do for his children. "Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?" It is the chalice of the Blood of His Son poured - for us - from the Cross. -If you have pretensions like the Zebedee, go to Mass. There you will find that "cup" which is offered for all mankind.

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