Sunday, March 16, 2025

The saint of ordinary life

The saint of ordinary life
June 26th: Memorial of Saint Josemaría, Presbyter
Gospel text
Lk 5,1-11
When Jesus had finished speaking He said to Simon, «Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch».
Gospel's Commentary
Today we celebrate the "saint of the ordinary", Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer. He was born in Barbastro (Spain). Being very young, he became very sick and about to die. He was cured suddenly and, therefore, his mother offered it to the Virgin of Torreciudad. Later he suffered for the death of three little sisters of his and for the economic ruin of his father. Being a very young priest he received the light of God that made him understand that all men and women, of any category and profession, are called by God to holiness in the midst of the world. To spread this ideal he founded the Opus Dei (the Work of God). - «"Great" holiness is in fulfilling the "small duties" of each moment» (St. Josemaría).

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