June 13th: Memorial of Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church
Gospel text Lk 10,1-9
The Lord appointed seventy-two other disciples and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place, where he himself was to go.
Gospel's Commentary
Today is the day of St. Anthony (Lisbon, 1195 – Padua, 1231), who belonged to the first generation of the Friars Minor. He is one of the most popular Saints in the whole Catholic Church. Anthony contributed significantly to the development of Franciscan spirituality. He dedicated himself with interest and solicitude to the study of the Bible and of the Church Fathers. Anthony was also one of the first theology teachers of the Friars Minor. Having become Provincial Superior in northern Italy, he continued his ministry of preaching, alternating it with his office of governance. Pope Gregory IX canonized him only a year after his death, and the Venerable Pope Pius XII proclaimed Anthony a Doctor of the Church, attributing to him the title “Doctor Evangelicus”.
—Anthony, in the school of Francis, always put Christ at the center of his life and thinking, of his action and of his preaching.