Trivia game

History of the Church through the Saints

The saints are the ones who make history in the Church: their lives shape the life of the Church. The historical journey is made century by century, with quizzes about some saints from each era.

The information to answer can be deduced (directly or indirectly) from the commentary on the saint. The drawing of each saint and the accompanying title can also give guidance for some answers.

Each block—century by century—is preceded by a "telegraphic" history of the century, whose goal is to provide a general context of the time. Correct answers are accompanied by a short explanation, expanding on the historical data.

After the first century, we will chronologically release the quizzes for the subsequent centuries.

    • 1st Century :
      Jesus is born (4-7 BC). Preaching, selection of the Apostles, and first followers (30 AD). In Jerusalem: Eucharist, Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension. Pentecost: the "public presentation" of the Church, first among Jews, and then among Gentiles. First persecutions (martyrdom of St. Stephen, James the Lesser) and first expansion of Christianity beyond Judea and Galilee. New Testament writings: gospels and letters. First Christian communities (Jerusalem, Antioch, Ephesus, Rome…). Gradual separation from Judaism.
    • 2nd Century :
      Expansion and diversification: Christianity spreads to regions beyond the Roman Empire. Periods of intense persecution (under Trajan and Marcus Aurelius). Early Christian writers defend the faith (the apologists: Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and others). Formation of the Biblical Canon. Development of liturgy. First heresies: a) "Judaizers" (believed the Law of Moses was necessary for salvation); b) "Gnostics" (dualism: there is a "good God" and an "evil god"; they were rigorists); c) "Millenarianism" (expected the second coming of Jesus Christ to establish a new kingdom lasting a thousand years).
    • 3rd Century :
      Expansion. Conversions across all social classes. Christianity’s growing influence. Severe persecutions (under Emperors Decius and Diocletian). The Church's ecclesiastical structure consolidates. Greater formalization of liturgical and sacramental practices. The rise of asceticism and monastic practices (Saint Anthony the Great). Christianity’s influence grows within the Empire. Heresies: a) "Schismatics" (due to penitential rigorism); b) "Monarchianism" (Christ is only a man).
    • 4th Century :
      Edict of Milan (313): legalizes Christianity. Under Emperor Theodosius, Christianity becomes the official religion of the Roman Empire (380). Doctrinal controversies: a) “Arianism” (the Son is not consubstantial with the Father); b) “Macedonianism” (denies the divinity of the Son and the Holy Spirit). First ecumenical councils: Nicaea (325) and Constantinople (381). The Creed is formulated. Primacy of the sees of Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem. Construction of great basilicas. Rise of monasticism. Codification of the Biblical Canon. Christianity influences culture, laws, and institutions. Division of the Empire.

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